We have spent a little over 12 weeks examining Schuessler’s cell salt remedies. After today, you will hopefully know a little more about each one of them! Today we are talking about the final cell salt, Silica.
Silica is near and dear to me because it is my chronic cell salt. Keeping this on hand has helped me out many times. I can easily run myself into the ground with physical and mental exhaustion (a trademark of Silica’s remedy picture). Silica gives me the boost I need to get back on track.
SILICA: also known as pure flint. In Dr. Murphy’s Materia Medica, he refers to Silica as “one of the most important remedies for chronic disease”. He also reports it is the most common cell salt in the earth’s crust and provides the body with cohesiveness, stamina, and strength.
Easily weak and exhausted
Never well since vaccination
Brittle nails and hair
TIPS: A person in need of Silica tends to be thin and lack stamina. The physical symptoms may appear similar to Calc fluor while the mental picture mimics Kali phos.
Information stated above is based on the teachings of Dr. Jude and Dr. Murphy, Lotus Wellness Institute.
I’m always just an e-mail away! And I’d love to help you navigate your way through your own health journey.
Dr. Krista
For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Philippians 2:13