Have you been under increased stress or have the feeling of being completely fried? Or perhaps you’ve noticed some brain fog? Check out this remedy! It’s another one of my favorites😊.
KALI PHOSPHORICUM: Also known as potassium phosphate, and noted to be most prominent in the brain, nerves, blood, and intercellular fluid. In general, it has a calming affect on the nervous system.
Poor memory
Poor concentration
Tension headaches
TIPS: There may be physical or emotional symptoms associated with this cell salt; but if the cause seems to be stress or anxiety, Kali phos would be strongly indicated.
Information stated above is based on the teachings of Dr. Jude and Dr. Murphy, Lotus Wellness Institute.
As always, I’m just an email away! Reply with questions or book your consult today!
Dr. Krista
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16: 33